Du betrachtest gerade WIND ab jetzt erhältlich bei Bandcamp und Soundcloud

WIND ab jetzt erhältlich bei Bandcamp und Soundcloud

When wind is rising and the leaves rustle gently

dome of branches and sky

all around and within you begins to move and rise…

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In der nächsten Zeit kannst du hier noch einiges mehr über die Entstehung, den Aufnahme- und Produktionsprozess und andere Hintergründe erfahren.

Alto flutes with a full and breathing sound nestle into minimalist synth piano key patterns and wind, above which transverse flutes rise arpeggios that, together with alto flutes, lead to a chorale.

From writing the first notes to interpretation and music production, everything was entirely in the hands of the composer, flautist, sound designer and producer.

WIND is inspired by the sound of rough bark, harsh and gentle wind, the search for orientation and deep connection under the huge dome of sky, branches and leaves in the middle of an urban environment.

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